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Nikola Gajić
(U of Regensburg, Germany)
Nicole Albrecht
(Birkbeck, U of London, UK/Georgetown U, US)
The Central and Eastern European Planning Board and
the Post-WWII Economic Reconstruction
of the Region: The Case of Yugoslavia
Sabina Pačariz
(King’s College London, UK)
Symbolic Power of Authoritarian Leaders in the Western Balkans:
Covert Benefits from Foreign Involvement
Bojana Zorić
(Masaryk U, Czechia)
Turkish Foreign Policy in Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia:
A Policy of Continuity under Erdogan?
Leandrit Mehmeti
(Rochester Institute of Technology, US)
Stuck in the Middle:
Narratives of Stalemate and in the Normalisation of Kosovo and Serbia
Tanya Domi
(Columbia U, US)
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