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Like Dew in the Sun
Switzerland, 2016 (108 min.)
The father of documentary filmmaker Peter Entell was born in Ukraine, but in 1914, at the age of two, he fled the war-torn country with his parents. Entell is trying to track down his Jewish forebears, and along the way he sees how the ongoing civil war is ripping the country apart. Sometimes, he even gets breathtakingly close to the heat of battle. Operating as an engaged outsider, he mingles with both pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian nationalists, and talks with victims on both sides. The war leaves only losers. Each group harbors its own traumas and is accumulating new ones.
“A personal yet sincere portrayal of a terribly deep-rooted tragedy
– Cineuropa
“My father was Jewish and I didn’t want to do a Jewish film – it’s been done many times. I thought that it was interesting to be in a place where not only Jews suffered, but Orthodox people and Muslim people as well”
– Peter Entell

Peter Entell
Evgeniya Chulkova, Antipode
In Russian, Ukrainian, and English with English subtitles
Film 10
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